
SecuriThings API

All endpoints require authentication using a JWT token, checkout the Authentication for more information.

You can find a Postman collection for this API here.


Get Devices


Returns one or more devices user has access to.

Some fields are applicable only to devices with specific capabilities.

Results can be filtered using the query parameters specified below.

Returns 200 with empty devices list and a total of 0 when no devices found.

query Parameters

  • limitinteger

    The number of items to return.

  • offsetinteger

    The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

  • statusstring

    The status of the device, can be online, offline, partial, unknown.

  • isFirmwareVulnerableboolean

    Is the firmware version vulnerable.

  • isFirmwareLatestboolean

    Is the current firmware version is the latest available.

  • isFirmwareUpgradeAvailableboolean

    Is there a newer firmware version available.

  • lifeCycleStatusstring

    End of support status, can be unknown, current_product, eol, eos.


    • devicesobject[]optional

      A list of device objects.

    • totalintegeroptional

      The total number of devices matching the query.

Get Device By ID


Returns basic information about a specific device in the system.

Returns 404 if the device is not found or the user does not have access to the device.

path Parameters

  • idrequiredstring

    The device id


    • idstringoptional

      The unique identifier of the device, generated by SecuriThings and will identify the device in the system.

    • namestringoptional

      The name field represents the user-assigned device name as displayed in the management system.

    • vendorstringoptional

      The manufacturer of the device.

    • modelstringoptional

      The model of the device.

    • firmwareVersionstringoptional

      the current firmware version that the device is running.

    • deviceTypestringoptional

      The type of device, such as camera, access control panel, intercom, or other classifications.

    • complianceobjectoptional

      Nested object providing compliance-related details.

    • networkobjectoptional

      Nested object providing network-related details.

    • statusstringoptional

      The current operational status of the device (e.g., "online" or "offline").

    • lastSeenstringoptional

      The last known active time of the device in ISO 8601 format.

    • deviceSourcesobject[]optional

      Specifies the discovery source and the integration methods for the device.

    • sitesobject[]optional

      Specifies the site or geolocation associated with the device, indicating the physical or logical location to which it is connected.


Get Sites


Returns one or more sites (geolocation) user has access to.

Results can be filtered using the query parameters specified below.

Returns 200 with empty sites list and a total of 0 when no sites found.

query Parameters

  • limitinteger

    The number of items to return.

  • offsetinteger

    The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

  • namestring

    The name of the site.


    • sitesobject[]optional

      A list of site objects representing various locations.

    • totalintegeroptional

      The total number of sites matching the query

Get Site By ID


Returns basic information about a specific site (geolocation) in the system.

Returns 404 if the site is not found or the user does not have access to the site.

path Parameters

  • idrequiredstring

    The site id


    • idoptional
    • namestringoptional

      The name assigned to the site, provided by the user.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A brief explanation of the site's purpose or significance.

    • coordinatesobjectoptional

      The geographic coordinates of the site.


Get Device Sources


Returns one or more device sources user has access to.

Results can be filtered using the query parameters specified below.

Returns 200 with empty device sources list and a total of 0 when no device sources found.

Note: The type internal is used for CSV based device sources.

Note: The version field reference to the version of the type, each type has a different version schema.

query Parameters

  • limitinteger

    The number of items to return.

  • offsetinteger

    The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

  • namestring

    The name of the device source.


    • deviceSourcesobject[]optional

      A list of device sources.

    • totalintegeroptional

      The total number of device sources matching the query

Get Device Source By ID


Returns basic information about a specific device source in the system.

Returns 404 if the device source is not found or the user does not have access to the device source.

Note: The type internal is used for CSV based device sources.

Note: The version field reference to the version of the type, each type has a different version schema.

path Parameters

  • idrequiredstring

    The device source id


    • idoptional
    • namestringoptional

      The name of the device source, as define by the user.

    • typestringoptional

      The type of the device source, indicating the integration or system.

    • versionstringoptional

      The version of the device source as defined by the end user in the system.