Quick Start

Rate Limiting

To ensure our platform remains stable and fair for everyone, the APIs we provide are subject to rate limiting and throttling. We ask developers to use industry-standard techniques for limiting calls, caching results, and re-trying requests.

If you exceed the rate limiting, your requests will be rejected with an error code of 429 Too Many Requests.

In case our rate limits preventing you from using the API, feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

Limits & Quotas

The rate limits are as follows, each endpoint is rate limited separately

DomainRate Limit
Authentication5 requests per minute per IP
Assets1 request per second per IP / 1 request per second per user

The rate limits are subject to change, and we will update this page with any changes.

Avoid Rate Limit Errors

Designing your app with best practices in mind is the best way to avoid throttling errors.

Consider the following best practices when designing your app:

  • Most data returned in the API is static, so you can cache the data and only make requests when necessary.
  • Use the status for use-cases when you want to catch devices becoming offline or online.

If you have a specific use-case that requires a higher rate limit, we would like to hear about it, please contact us